Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Part 6: Make Extra Money With A Google Search Box

Part 6: Make Extra Money With A Google Search Box

Place a Google search box on your site, and you can start monetizing the results from web searches. Not only does this keep your users on your website longer—since they can search from where they are—it takes just minutes to implement. And you pay nothing to participate.

Do you see the google search box below? Type in something that is not even releated to this site, try typing something like "Mesothelioma" and then hitting search. Watch how a new window is opened up. To test a link, click on any of the sponsered searches.

Remember, you can't do this to YOUR OWN searches, meaning it's ok if you go to my site, search for an item then click on a link, but you can't, and I can't stress this enough, you can't search your site, click on a sponsered search, and expect to get paid. Stay honest.

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Google Search
